How Does Harley-Davidson Security System Work


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How Does Harley Davidson Security System Work

Are you a Harley-Davidson biker curious about the working mechanism behind the security system? If yes, then you are certainly in the right place.

The Harley-Davidson security system uses a key fob that automatically arms and disarms the system when within range. When armed, the system disables the starter and ignition. If tampered with, the alarm triggers lights and a siren if equipped.

In this article, you will get to know all about security systems, how to arm and disarm the security system, how does Harley-Davidson Security System work, and more. Continue reading to get all the answers that you are looking for.

Security Systems for Motorcycle Safety

Motorcycle security systems are among the top-of-mind accessories that bikers should consider installing if their bike already doesn’t have one. After all, alarm systems will not only help deter theft, but they’ll also provide peace of mind. This can be helpful if you’re someone who gets anxious about your bike, whether this is because your bike is usually parked in a precarious area or if your bike might not be equipped with modern safety equipment.

Motorcycle security systems have become a palpable solution for bikers who are looking to upgrade the safety factor of their bike. While Harley-Davidson bikes come with an in-built security system, you can also go for third-party alarm systems. The latter option will come with its own set of risks and, under certain situations, could do more harm and good to your bike.

How Does Harley-Davidson Security System Work

Security alarm systems come in different styles and offer a wide variety of features. The security system in Harley-Davidson bikes will sound off a horn when the bike is started without a key in the ignition or without the alarm getting unlocked first by a remote key. The advanced systems come with the same basic functions while also having other features like motion sensors, GPS tracker, remote engine disconnect, and other features.

Without getting too technical, the Harley-Davidson security system is wired onto the bike’s harness in a specific way. It’ll be able to sense any anomaly going on with the electric system of your bike and alert you. Some of them include the engine being hot-wired to start, an electrical component being tampered with, a bike being transported on foot, and more.

Due to such reasons, having a security system on your Harley-Davidson bike if you’re anxious or paranoid about its safety will be helpful. It could be because your bike is equipped with a basic safety system that isn’t confidence inspiring or because your bike is parked in areas where safety isn’t guaranteed, or due to a multitude of other reasons. For that, having a security system on your Harley-Davidson bike can definitely bring about a level of confidence in the security and the peace of mind that comes with it.

How to Arm and Disarm the Harley-Davidson Key Fob Security System

Harley-Davidson key fob security system isn’t a new technology, but not many bikers actually know a great deal about it. Remote-controlled, waterproof, and utilizing state-of-the-art rolling code technology, the key fob will act as a proximity key. The key fob will then allow the riders to jump on their bike and start the engine without needing to insert the key in the ignition. The security system is implemented for convenience and acts as an extra security feature for your bike. This smart security system technology can sense when the bike owner is near the bike. Once it senses your presence, it automatically deactivates the security features, enabling you to roll and start the engine.

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If the key fob isn’t present, and you decide to move the bike, the signal lights will begin flashing until you disarm it by using the PIN or with the presence of the key fob. If you don’t, the lights will continue to flash until the battery drains. On some motorcycles, the siren gets activated as well. For neutralizing the security features, you will need to switch your bike into “Transport Mode”, which will allow the motorcycle to be moved without needing the PIN or fob while not setting off the security system. This will be helpful when you’re transporting the motorcycle in a truck or trailer.

To arm the security system

When your Harley is parked and the ignition key is turned to “OFF”, the Harley-Davidson Smart Security System will automatically arm within 5 seconds if no motion is detected. After arming, the turn signals will flash twice, while the optional siren will chirp twice. While armed, the key icon in the speedometer face flashes once every 3 seconds.

To disarm the security system

With an assigned key fob present, the security system will automatically disarm when the ignition key gets turned to IGNITION. Once the module disarms, the optional siren chirps once, and the key icon illuminates for 4–5 seconds and then automatically turns off.

To activate the transport mode

When the configured key fob is in range, you should turn the ignition switch to IGNITION. Before the security system lamp shuts down, you should turn the ignition switch to OFF. Within three seconds, you should press both the left and right turn signal switches simultaneously. After that, the bike indicators will flash once and your Harley will be set to “Transport Mode”. 

How to Override the Key Fob Manually

Say that you’re in the middle of your ride, and you end up misplacing the key fob. When you’re setting up the system, the users will have to create and remember the PIN. The PIN would allow you to start the engine even if you don’t have your key fob present. This PIN can be changed as per your preference at any time.

If you have misplaced or disabled the key fob, your Harley-Davidson smart security system could be disarmed by using the 5-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). You need to follow each step in the process mentioned below. Remember that you don’t turn the handlebars or lift your motorcycle off the jiffy stand. During the PIN disarm, if the smart security system has detected motorcycle motion, the system will automatically activate the alarm.

Step 1: If needed, you need to verify the current 5-digit PIN.

Step 2: Now, you have to turn the Ignition key to IGNITION.

Step 3: Within 2 seconds of turning the ignition key, you should hold both turn signal switches in until confirmation. The key icon will start flashing at a fast rate. In the odometer window, a flashing dash is followed by four more dashes.

Step 4: Enter the first digit (A) in the PIN by pressing the left turn switch “A” number of times. The first digit (A) in the odometer would be the first digit in the PIN.

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Step 5: Press the right turn switch once. The first digit would be stored, and the next dash will start flashing.

Step 6: Enter the first digit (B) in the PIN by pressing the left turn switch “B” number of times. The first digit (B) in the odometer would be the first digit in the PIN.

Step 7: Press the right turn switch once. The second digit would be stored, and the next dash will start flashing.

Step 8: Enter the first digit (C) in the PIN by pressing the left turn switch “C” number of times. The first digit (C) in the odometer would be the first digit in the PIN.

Step 9: Press the right turn switch once. The third digit would be stored, and the next dash will start flashing.

Step 10: Enter the first digit (D) in the PIN by pressing the left turn switch “D” number of times. The first digit (D) in the odometer would be the first digit in the PIN.

Step 11: Press the right turn switch once. The fourth digit would be stored, and the next dash will start flashing.

Step 12: Enter the first digit (E) in the PIN by pressing the left turn switch “E” number of times. The first digit (E) in the odometer would be the first digit in the PIN.

Step 13: Press the right turn switch once. The fifth digit would be stored. The key icon will start blinking and the Harley-Davidson Security System will be disarmed.

Risks of Installing a Third-Party Security System

With that said, installing a third-party security system comes with its own potential risks. There is a reason why so many bikers prefer to have barebone bikes without any fancy additions, as added electronic systems will also add to the list of things that might break or go wrong. 

The most significant part of installing a third-party security system will be the wiring. High-end security systems come with their own wiring diagrams for helping the user with installation, but not all electrical systems of bikes are designed the same. Most affordable third-party security systems are simply wired, but might not come with instructions for guiding the user. This can easily leave you guessing how to install the system properly.

As such, many bikers out there end up using poorly functioning electronic systems and fast-draining batteries because of poorly installed alarm systems. If the wires aren’t properly secured and protected, this might also serve as an added fire hazard, which no one will be happy to have. 

Aside from the wiring problem, third-party security systems aren’t that perfect devices either and could possibly fail during the ride. Dust, water, mud, and grime could eventually find their way into the security system or the wiring, causing the system to malfunction. This will be even more prevalent for poorly designed or cheaply priced security systems. When that happens, bikers run the risk of their bike getting turned off mid-ride or the alarm horn going haywire for absolutely no reason.

None of these malfunctions are welcome to the biker community and can easily pose a threat to bikers who install third-party security systems on their bikes. You should bear in mind that these risks will be most applicable to badly designed or cheaply priced security systems. High-end third-party security systems when installed correctly will not have the same risks and be much safer to install.

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Alternatives to Third-Party Security Systems

If you have been second-guessing your decision to install a third-party security system, you shouldn’t worry. There are many other ways that your bike can be properly safeguarded without having to tamper with the electronics. Starting with the items that involve no electronics at all, bikers can ensure that a bike cannot be moved on its wheels by installing brake disc locks. They will aptly lock onto the brake discs to prevent the wheels from turning.

You can even achieve the same results by making use of a heavy-duty chain locked through the wheels and the frame. If you are leaving your bike in an unsecured area for a couple of days or weeks, you’ll even be able to remove your battery altogether. This will prevent thieves from hot-wiring your bike. 

If you want to take the electronic route, there are a few wireless systems available that run on their internal batteries. These systems generally use motion sensors and GPS trackers for sensing if a bike is moving. 

Harley Gps Tracker

Many of the high-end systems in this category are accompanied by apps for your smartphone. You can use these apps for monitoring your bike’s location at a glance. However, you must note that these systems need to be tucked away somewhere hard to find such that it prevents thieves from removing these systems and stealing them. You’ll be able to hide it under the seat or any other secluded pocket of space such that it isn’t a victim to the suspension’s travel, the engine’s heat, or elements that might sneak into the space.


How to disarm my Harley-Davidson Security System?

If you have misplaced or disabled the key fob, your bike’s smart security system will need to be disarmed. You should do this by using the 5-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN).

How to prevent Harley-Davidson theft?

Lock the disk brakes or forks with locks having large, brightly colored tags. If you’re traveling with other bikers, lock the bikes together when they aren’t in use. If you’re riding alone, you must lock your bike to a secure, stationary object that cannot be dismantled easily, like a light pole. Add an audible alarm to your bike as well.

When did Harley-Davidson decide to go keyless?

The keyless ignition technology was added to Harley-Davidson bikes in 2007 alongside fuel injection.

What do you mean by the red key light on Harley-Davidson bikes?

Do you have a key fob for your Harley-Davidson bike’s smart security system? If yes, does it have a button or does it come without a button? The red key light will tell you that the security system of the bike is operational. The fact that it’ll go out once you start your bike means that the security system has been disarmed.

What to do if I have misplaced my key fob?

If you have misplaced or disabled the key fob, the Smart Security System of your Harley-Davidson bike can be disarmed using the 5-digit Personal Identification Number. When you’re disarming the PIN, you shouldn’t turn the handlebars, straddle the seat, or lift your bike off the iffy stand. This is the case because the Smart Security System detects the bike’s motion and activates the alarm.

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White Star Rides is your go-to Harley-Davidson expert. We live and breathe these bikes. Our team has years of experience in fixing, riding, and loving Harleys. We know every part of these bikes and love sharing what we know with you. Whether it's about fixing a problem or just enjoying the ride, we're here to help. Trust us to make your Harley journey better and easier.

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