Must-Have Accessories For Street Glide: Take Your Riding Experience Up A Level With These Accessories


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Must Have Accessories For Street Glide

Did you buy a new Harley-Davidson Street Glide, but you aren’t sure what accessories to add to it? If yes, then you’re definitely in the right place.

Must-have accessories for a Street Glide include saddlebags, a touring seat, a windshield, crash bars, and GPS/phone mounts for convenience and comfort on long rides.

In this article, you’ll get to know all about the must-have accessories for Street Glide that will improve your Harley-Davidson Street Glide driving experience. Stick around to know all the answers that you’re looking for.

Must-have accessories for Street Glide

There aren’t many better ways of traveling on land than on the exciting Harley-Davidson Street Glide motorcycle. An uneventful daily commute or a long riding session can be upgraded into a stimulating ride. Sure, there are high stakes involved compared to riding a minivan. However, the experience will be far more thrilling than riding in a minivan. But isn’t that the entire reason why bikers look forward to their next motorcycle driving trips? 

It’s all about the thrill of the adventure. Like a real adventurer, you’ll have to ensure that you are prepared for the journey. It doesn’t make sense for a warrior to go into a war without the armor and necessary weapons. Likewise, no Harley-Davidson biker should go for a trip without having the proper gear and must have accessories. You don’t really need to purchase every accessory that you can find on the market. You’ll only need the must-haves. Here, you will get to know about some must have accessories for your Harley-Davidson Street Glide.

Motorcycle helmet

A motorcycle helmet will be the most important gear when riding a Harley-Davidson Street Glide. You should never ride your Street Glide without wearing a helmet. Most serious injuries and fatalities happen because the driver decided to drive their bike while leaving their helmet at home. According to data collected, in the motorcycle accidents where the driver died, they weren’t wearing a helmet in 41% of the cases.

Even when you think you’re capable of handling yourself, it’ll only take a side-sweeping SUV to bring you down fast. Just don’t drive a Harley-Davidson bike without a helmet. 

Moreover, always get the right fit. You should choose carefully between a long oval, a round oval, or an immediate oval. Ensure that it wraps around your head firmly. You wouldn’t want a loose helmet jingle-jangling on your head once you’re driving on the highway. Not only will it be annoying, but it’ll also be ridiculous.

Look for the appropriate type of motorcycle helmet. If you aren’t familiar with it already, there are six kinds of motorcycle helmets in the market. Each one of these motorcycle helmets comes with its own sets of pros and cons. 

If you’re riding a Harley-Davidson Street Glide, you’d likely want a half helmet or an open-face helmet. These helmets will allow for some ventilation, but protection. You can still get the enjoyment of the cool air breezing across your face. Although half helmets offer only half the protection, the impact resistance is unlikely to be as good as full-face helmets.

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A proper motorcycle riding attire

Purchase a leather jacket, denim jeans, leather gloves, and leather boots. Not only will they look they give you a sexy look, but they also form a practical Harley-Davidson riding attire. When you’re driving a bike, you’ll instinctively reach out on your hands and try and prop yourself up from the ground. If you aren’t padded, you might suffer from a painful road rash on your palms.

It will be the same thing with a leather jacket, boots, and denim jeans. You will want to have a thick layer between your skin and the asphalt if things suddenly get out of control. As for the boots, wear something that has padding on the sides of the ankles. It is usually the first one to face impact if you’re falling out of a difficult turn. Unpaved boots are unlikely to do anything to help that.

Fan-assisted oil cooler for your Harley-Davidson Street Glide

It does not take a lot to keep your Harley-Davidson bike from running smoothly. Harley-Davidson Street Glide bikes are highly reliable if you keep them well-maintained. And this doesn’t necessarily mean monthly, expensive trips to the shop. In fact, it is more about the regular oil changes and yearly basic tune-ups. If you have to drive in an area where your engine gets exposed to incredible temperatures, your Harley-Davidson bike’s engine will be more vulnerable to overheating.

A Harley-Davidson rider needs to be proactive. Ensure that you’re investing in a high-quality fan-assisted oil cooler for your Street Glide. The overall increase in performance and peace of mind will offer great returns. Moreover, your wallet will also thank you eventually. You will be able to avoid any regular visits to the shop for any heat-related complications.

Motorcycle radio

If you regularly go on rides on your Harley-Davidson Street Glide, a motorcycle radio will be a must-have accessory. It’ll be a great way of securing a line of communication between you and your fellow riders. It can be impossible to each other on a speeding highway, regardless of how hard you shout. A motorcycle radio is a great solution. Remember, you shouldn’t settle for any average walkie-talkie. There are hands-free, voice-activated gadgets that are made for Harley-Davidson bikers – one that you can latch onto your motorcycle helmet. This way, you will be able to communicate with others without taking your hand away from the handlebar.

Motorcycle driving lights

If you’re riding outside brightly-lit cities, you’ll be best off buying motorcycle driving lights. These special driving lights will cast a brighter and wider light than the traditional stock driving lights. You’ll be able to see better at night. Meanwhile, the cars wouldn’t have any excuse to not see you on the road or on the highway.

Must Have Accessories For Street Glide - Harley Davidson Street Glide Light

Travel-Paks for hand saddlebags

Imagine you drive your car for a couple of hours, pull up to a hotel, and have to load up your arms with the heavy contents of your suitcase, hauling them into your room. This is essentially what most Harley-Davidson bikers end up doing if they don’t use Travel-Paks. These fit perfectly in Harley-Davidson saddlebags such that when you arrive at the destination, you can just flip open the handbag and pull out the contents using the convenient carrying handles. Moreover, water-resistant materials and heavy-duty zippers will mean that your stuff is dry and secure.

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Fender trim

If you’re looking to highlight your front fender to make it more attractive upon first look, get a fender trim. You can just add a sweeping dash of the chrome-plated trim, and you’ll definitely see the difference.

Instrument trim

An instrument trim is a chrome-plated trim that can be installed on your speedometer and tachometer gauges. This will immediately give your Harley-Davidson Street Glide a stunning look.

Exhaust system

For a super bike, a decent exhaust system will be a great addition to its sporty image. For a Harley-Davidson Street Glide, an exhaust system will highlight the part that gives off the unique sound. The song that makes every Harley-Davidson bike unique and popular. A sporty look will also be an assurance on every exhaust system installed.


Whether it’s a leather saddlebag or a color-matched bag, once installed, it’ll give added style and toughness to your bike. There are different shapes, materials, and sizes made for this sort of accessory. All you’ll need to do is choose which option will be best for your Harley-Davidson Street Glide.

Must Have Accessories For Street Glide - Harley Davidson Street Glide

Sissy bar bag

A sissy bar bag will be installed at the back of your Harley-Davidson Street Glide. It’s a handy accessory as it’ll provide extra storage that is incredibly easy to access.

Backrest pad

Whether you’re traveling alone or with a companion, having a backrest pad will definitely help your overall posture. The backrest pad isn’t just functional, but it’s also a good addition that adds to the beauty of your bike.

Windshield and windshield trim

Made using hard-coated polycarbonate, this accessory is capable of resisting scratches, and it’s a must-have for your Street Glide. The trim, on the other hand, will accentuate the windshield for added style.

Motorcycle seats

Whether you’re going solo or with someone at the back, a high-quality seat will give you the chance to enjoy the entire ride. Motorcycle seats from different manufacturers are made from different quality materials. These fine materials come with different designs that go well with your bike.

Rider’s essential kit

If you’re looking to buy a whole set of must-have accessories for your Harley-Davidson Street Glide, then an essential kit would be a wonderful choice. A rider’s essential kit includes accessories like windshield, belt buckle, side plates, storage cover, sissy bar, seat, backrest pad, and more. 

Hook cargo net

With this neat little hook cargo net, you’ll never have to question if there is any more room. This cargo net will hook onto almost any place on the front or rear of your Harley-Davidson bike. Then, you’ll be able to strap on the extra jacket, a bag of take-out, or the passenger helmet. The vinyl-coated attaching hooks have been designed to not mess up the finishes of the parts they’re strapped to.

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Dual-mode battery charger

There is no bigger buffer than taking out your Harley-Davidson Street Glide only to find out that your battery has died. Regardless of what type of battery is used in your bike, a dual-mode battery charger is capable of handling it. This remarkable charger is smart enough that it’ll serve up the appropriate juice depending on the construction of the battery. Moreover, it’ll also consider the ambient temperature or how much charge your battery requires.

Harley-Davidson helmet lock

No one enjoys having to drag their helmet around all day. No one trusts the public enough to let their helmet sit on their bike untouched. This is where a Harley-Davidson helmet lock comes in to save the day. It’s a small, simple locking carabiner that sits perfectly in your saddlebag or your jacket pocket. The size has been designed to easily slip through the D-ring of any helmet. Moreover, it is big enough that it can wrap around most handlebars and engine guards. It features a touch rubber coating such that your helmet doesn’t bang up the finishes on the bike.

A Harley-Davidson Street Glide cover

Do you want to preserve your Harley-Davidson bike’s beauty? A Harley-Davidson cover will be one of the best investments to make to ensure your bike is always looking now. This is even more so the case if you have to park your Harley-Davidson bike out in the open. A tough, waterproof sheet will be able to shield your bike from the weather or any dust or critters.

Remember, an old tarp will never be good enough. Whether you’re storing your Street Glide outside at the curb or in a dusty garage, it should be covered up. 


A seasoned Harley-Davidson rider knows how important good eye protection is when riding a bike. Sunglasses are a neat option to shield your eyes from the sun. Goggles do an outstanding job of protecting your eyes from debris. Choosing the right eyewear will depend on your circumstances – when and where you’ll be driving, the weather forecast, and more. Overall, you’ll get a choice between different types of lenses – smoke, clear, transitional, and yellow.


Thank you for reading. Hopefully, now you know a lot more about the must-have accessories for Street Glide that will improve your Harley-Davidson Street Glide driving experience. There are certain accessories that you need for your Harley-Davidson Street Glide to take the bike riding experience up a level including a fender trip, saddlebag, an exhaust system, custom seats, dual-mode battery charger, and more. Getting the right accessories will not only improve your experience, but it’ll also keep you and your bike safe.

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White Star Rides is your go-to Harley-Davidson expert. We live and breathe these bikes. Our team has years of experience in fixing, riding, and loving Harleys. We know every part of these bikes and love sharing what we know with you. Whether it's about fixing a problem or just enjoying the ride, we're here to help. Trust us to make your Harley journey better and easier.