What To Wear When Riding A Harley-Davidson Bike


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What To Wear When Riding A Harley

Have you bought a new Harley-Davidson bike but don’t know what to wear when riding the bike? If so, then you are definitely in the right place at the right time.

When riding a Harley, wear protective gear including a DOT-approved helmet, leather jacket, gloves, riding boots, and riding pants. Layering for weather conditions and comfort is also recommended.

In this article, you’ll get to know all about different motorcycle safety gear, what to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike, what not to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike, and more. Continue reading to get all the answers that you’re looking for.

Wear the right motorcycle gear for safety

When it comes to riding a Harley-Davidson bike, it’s essential that the rider dresses appropriately to stay safe. Due to the pricing or lack of attraction that some biker gear may have, it may be tough at times. Bikers who ride regularly must always wear the right protective gear to safeguard themselves against injuries. Injury prevention must always be considered essential among bikers, whether male or female.

So, what to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike? You must wear full-face helmets whether you’re driving the bike or traveling as a passenger. Moreover, wear jeans or trousers, leather boots, a leather jacket, and protective gloves. 

Riding a Harley-Davidson bike can be one of the peak enjoyments of your day. However, it isn’t without its risks. Luckily, this risk can be greatly minimized with protective safety gear while looking good too. There are many outfit considerations that even expert bikers must know about. 

What to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike?

Motorcycle helmets

An in-depth study on motorcycle safety concluded that a majority of injuries that occur during riding accidents impact the rider’s face and chin. These parts aren’t protected by three-quarter or open-face style helmets. You should make sure that you’re wearing a full-face helmet that meets the safety standards.

Moreover, don’t forget to replace your helmet after every few years. After 4-5 years, the adhesive and materials that absorb the force of impact start degrading. Helmets aren’t one-size-fits-all, so you should get a helmet that fits you. 

You’ll see a sticker on your helmet showing that it has a DOT rating. As a result, it’s recommended that people should make their helmet purchases from reputed sources. A Harley-Davidson dealer will greatly help you select the right helmet for you.

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Person Wearing Motorcycle Gear, White Helmet And Jacket, Riding Harley-Davidson Bike

A biker jacket

Leather and textile are what most motorcycle jackets are made of, and both types are sold by Harley-Davidson. Jackets made explicitly for bikes have many additional features that standard jackets don’t have. To reinforce the stitching from abrasion and for increasing strength, the seams are doubled up. These jackets are made for fitting tight in the high-speed wind to ensure that they do not flap. Some jackets come equipped with CE-approved body armor to help you protect your most vulnerable parts in case of a crash.

Choose a jacket designed to be worn with the type of bike you’re riding. Different motorcycles put your body in different positions, so the jacket should fit snugly when you’re riding in that position. Moreover, you should not forget the sort of weather that you’re typically riding in.

Motorcycle pants

Cotton has less than a quarter of the abrasion resistance that leather has. If you are going to wear jeans, you should wear Kevlar-lined jeans for better protection. 

Leather and abrasion-resistant textiles are among the best materials for your riding experience. An important tip to remember when selecting the pants is to always wear the pants on the bike or sit in a way that is as close as possible to how you’d sit when riding. Ensure that they are comfortable and snug and that the armor isn’t moving around.

Motorcycle boots

Sturdy, oil-resistant boots with proper ankle support and non-slip soles are indispensable. You will want to have sturdy heel and toe boxes as well. At a minimum, your motorcycle boots must cover your ankles. Your best bet would be to search online and look for an option that is great for both style and protection. 

Protective gloves

If you’re a biker, you need to be wearing protective gloves. Your hands will most likely be the first thing that hits the ground as you’re bracing for impact. It means that you will want a pair of sturdy gloves that offer 100% hand cover. You’ll want the gloves to be made of durable material and have reinforced stitching. Armor at the base of your palm will be especially useful, as this is where your hands are going to land if you fall.

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Ensure that you can still control your motorcycle without any interference caused by the gloves. Your protective gloves should also allow you to grip the bike without perspiration affecting your grip as you’re riding the bike. Many bikers overlook this issue of perspiration and the piece of equipment, and often ride without wearing gloves.

Sunglasses or goggles

Eyewear such as a pair of goggles or sunglasses can offer additional coverage for your eyes in the event of an accident. Eyewear will also offer coverage from the damaging effects of UV rays, prevent you from being temporarily blinded by the sun, and keep any debris out of your eyes. Remember that you shouldn’t wear tinted eyewear at night as it can easily limit your visibility.

Rain gear

Your ride shouldn’t end just because it is raining outside, thanks to your rain gear. An item like a high-quality rain suit will shield you from external elements, which not only prolongs your ride, but it also makes you a lot more comfortable while riding. The reflective aspect of your rain suit will enhance your visibility to other bikers.

Heated motorcycle gear

Wearing heated gear will provide you with added comfort, so your physical integrity won’t get undermined by rain or cold.

Body armor

CE-approved body armor might provide increased protection in case of an accident. Since your safety is of utmost importance, this should be a legitimate consideration.

Talking of safety being of utmost importance, having motorcycle insurance will be indispensable in the case of any unexpected accident. You can easily get insurance coverage to protect you in the event of a minor accident to you or your bike. Insurance will also provide you with peace of mind, which will make for a smoother ride.

What not to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike?

Now that you know what to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike, you should also understand what to avoid. There are certain things that you shouldn’t wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike, as it’ll affect your safety.

Flip-flops or high heels

Anything other than leather boots or flat shoes is a serious no-no. Flat shoes will be needed when riding a bike to maintain proper traction and stay on the footpegs and clutch pedal. It’ll be next to impossible to maintain balance on pedals in flip-flops or high heels, especially if you’re a beginner at riding a Harley-Davidson bike.

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If you’re a female biker riding a Harley-Davidson bike, wearing a skirt will be both uncomfortable and dangerous. It’s possible that your skirt might flap all over the place, obstructing your line of sight. In case your skirt is too tight, it could be uncomfortable and prevent you from freely moving your legs or maneuvering them to ride the bike.


While it isn’t illegal, riding a Harley-Davidson bike with shorts wouldn’t be a good idea. It can be difficult to ride a bike, especially on a hot summer day. Shorts offer less protection from the bike as well as the road that you’re traveling on. In case your skin comes into contact with the exhaust pipes and engine, you’ll risk getting burnt and having greater injuries from the road.

Wearing the wrong hairstyle

You should probably pay attention to how you’re wearing your hair, even if it isn’t considered in the same category as clothes. Whether you’re a man or a woman, if you have too long hair, it might get in your face and affect your vision.

If you’re a female biker, avoid wearing your hair in braids or tight buns on top of your head. When you’re putting your helmet on, these get pulled down, causing bulges or pressure spots within your head and making you feel uncomfortable. Maintain a proper hairstyle or wear a biker bandana as it’ll prevent hair from moving your face and remain underneath the bandana.


Avoid wearing headphones when you’re riding your bike. Anything crammed into your ears can make it slightly difficult to hear important sounds around you. Instead, you should install a speaker system on your Harley-Davidson bike.


Thank you for reading. Hopefully, now you know a lot more about different motorcycle safety equipment, what to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike, what not to wear when riding a Harley-Davidson bike, and more. When riding a Harley-Davidson bike, there are certain essential motorcycle gears that you must wear. It’ll not only help you enjoy the ride more, but it’ll also keep you safe when riding at such high speeds. Equipment like a helmet, leather jacket, boots, a pair of gloves, and more should be worn whenever you take out your bike for a ride.

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White Star Rides is your go-to Harley-Davidson expert. We live and breathe these bikes. Our team has years of experience in fixing, riding, and loving Harleys. We know every part of these bikes and love sharing what we know with you. Whether it's about fixing a problem or just enjoying the ride, we're here to help. Trust us to make your Harley journey better and easier.